When adventure calls, having the right gear can make all the difference. Whether you’re an avid hiker, camper, or outdoor enthusiast, finding the best outdoor gear stores is essential for top-quality gear and clothing that enhances performance and comfort.
From lightweight jackets to durable hiking boots, these stores offer everything needed to conquer the great outdoors. We’ve got you covered if you are searching for a local outfitter, outdoor gear stores near me, or a reliable outdoor gear online store.
Many retailers, including Sierra, provide top brands, while others specialize in used gear for budget-conscious adventurers. Choosing the right outdoor gear store ensures you get durable, high-performance equipment designed for rugged conditions.
So if you are planning your next expedition, it’s a great way to stay prepared and protected with high-quality apparel and accessories. Explore these top-rated outdoor gear stores and get adventure-ready today.
Outdoor gear stores are a treasure trove for adventure enthusiasts, offering everything you need to fuel your passion for the outdoors. If you are planning a weekend at the park or gearing up for backpacking and hiking, you will find something for every need.
These stores provide specialty products designed to enhance your experience. From outdoor gear and clothing to essential accessories. Here is what you’ll find at outdoor gear stores near me, local outdoor gear stores, or an outdoor gear online store like REI Co-op:
Regarding outdoor gear and clothing, REI Co-op is a trusted name for adventure seekers. If you are into backpacking and hiking, camping, or winter sports. REI offers everything you need to gear up for your next journey. Known for high-quality products, expert advice, and a commitment to sustainability, it’s a top choice for those who love the great outdoors.
Backcountry is a top outdoor gear store specializing in high-end technical hiking, skiing, and climbing gear. This outdoor gear online store is a go-to destination if you’re looking for performance-driven apparel and equipment. Known for its expert-driven Gearhead service, Backcountry provides tailored recommendations for adventurers who need the best gear for extreme conditions.
Founded in 1992 by two wilderness guides, Moosejaw is a unique outdoor gear store known for its quirky branding and passion for adventure. Headquartered in Madison Heights, Michigan, the company has built a reputation as the “funniest outdoor retailer on the planet.”
Evo is a top-tier outdoor gear store that blends adventure sports with a lifestyle-driven approach. With a strong presence in the U.S., Canada, and Japan, Evo caters to outdoor enthusiasts looking for high-quality gear and clothing for skiing, snowboarding, surfing, and biking.
Evo delivers premium selections across multiple categories if you are looking for outdoor gear stores near me or a trusted online store. Founded by Bryce Phillips in 2001, Evo’s mission extends beyond retail, investing in community programs that provide outdoor access to underserved youth.
If you’re looking for an outdoor gear store that combines affordability, sustainability, and a massive assortment of adventure-ready products, Outdoor Gear Exchange (GearX) is a top choice. Founded in 1995 in Burlington, Vermont, this consignment shop is committed to making the outdoors accessible to everyone through smart buying and resale programs. Whether you’re gearing up for car camping, backpacking, or mountaineering, you’ll find everything you need at unbeatable prices.
Founded in 1967, Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS) is one of the most well-known outdoor gear stores in the U.S., specializing in high-quality gear for climbing, hiking, and winter sports. With a strong presence in the Northeast, EMS has been a go-to outdoor gear store for adventurers seeking durable and affordable products.
In September 2024, Mountain Warehouse acquired the company for $10 million, with plans for expansion and revitalization. Despite financial struggles leading to the sale, EMS remains a key player in the industry, offering backpacking, climbing, and paddling gear at competitive prices.
For those looking to score premium outdoor gear and clothing at unbeatable prices, Steep and Cheap is a go-to outdoor gear online store. Owned by Backcountry, this discount platform offers huge markdowns on everything from hiking apparel to camping essentials.
If you are searching for outdoor gear stores near me or an affordable alternative to high-end brands, Steep and Cheap delivers steep discounts on trusted outdoor labels. Flash sales and constantly changing inventory make it a perfect spot for budget-conscious adventurers.
CampSaver is a reputable outdoor equipment retailer focused on hiking, camping, and climbing gear. As a sister store to OpticsPlanet, it features an extensive selection of outdoor gear and apparel, including tents, sleeping pads, snowshoes, and tripods.
If you’re searching for nearby outdoor gear shops or an online outdoor gear store, CampSaver stands out as an excellent option. With secure shopping options, various payment methods, and international shipping, it guarantees a hassle-free experience for outdoor lovers worldwide.
Founded in 1856, Orvis is one of the most beloved outdoor gear stores. It specializes in everything from fly-fishing to wing shooting and adventure travel gear. With its charming heritage-style look, Orvis provides premium-quality outdoor clothing and accessories for outdoor enthusiasts who value functionality and style.
Whether hunting for fly-fishing gear, stylish apparel, or sporty accessories, you can count on Orvis for exceptional craftsmanship. If you’re looking for nearby outdoor gear stores or a reliable online shop for outdoor gear, Orvis shines brightly with its rich history of quality and dedication to conservation.
OMC Gear, short for Oregon Mountain Community Gear, is a specialty outdoor gear store based in Portland, Oregon. Founded in 1971 by passionate adventurers, it has become a go-to destination for serious mountaineers, skiers, and climbers.
Unlike big-box outdoor gear stores, OMC Gear focuses on high-performance, technical equipment for extreme conditions. Whether you’re looking for ice climbing tools, ski touring gear, or durable mountaineering apparel.
This outdoor gear store provides expert-recommended products at competitive prices. So, If you’re searching for outdoor gear stores near me or a trusted outdoor gear online store, OMC Gear delivers premium options backed by decades of experience.
Finding the right outdoor gear store is essential for any adventure. Whether you need lightweight clothing, durable footwear, or high-performance camping equipment, these outdoor gear stores offer the best selection for outdoor enthusiasts.
From trusted brands to used gear deals, you’ll find everything you need for your next trip. Looking for outdoor gear stores near me? Explore a local outfitter or check out an outdoor gear online store for convenience. Don’t wait. Gear up with high-quality outdoor gear and clothing today and prepare for your next adventure!
Most outdoor gear stores mentioned offer worldwide shipping, covering the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, and more. Delivery times vary, and express options are available.
Most outdoor gear stores accept Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Apple Pay, American Express, Klarna, and Afterpay. Some offer interest-free installment plans for flexible payments. Gift cards and store-specific discounts make shopping at an outdoor gear store even more convenient.
From budget-friendly to premium gear, outdoor gear stores near me offer pricing for all levels. Many have seasonal discounts, clearance sales, and loyalty programs. Quality gear doesn’t have to be expensive—smart shopping ensures durability at a great price.
Customer reviews show that products from outdoor gear stores are durable, high-performance, and built for different environments. Investing in quality gear and clothing ensures safety, comfort, and reliability for any adventure.